Who We Need to Become

One of the things I take pride in—is my attempt to take the evangelism conversation to a much deeper place. I have often said that Soul Whisperer is in actuality a book on discipleship. By interpreting Christ’s mission skills, it addresses “who” we need to become as influencers. For the relevance, see if you can […]

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The Matrix of the Hindu Mind

Christians, typically, have pre-conditioned ideas about the rudimentary pagan-ness of Hinduism with its thirty million gods. But we understand so little. Driving to and fro in Kolkata, I observed how each cabbie had his pictures of gods or goddesses, sort of like the picture of the mother Mary hanging from mirrors in Mexico.  I noticed […]

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Half the Battle

I just talked with my friend, Dana, who is reading my book, and she expressed how timely it was since she has a new atheist friend, and also brand new Muslim neighbors, headscarf (they call it “hijab”) and all! Before we hung up, I mentioned that half the battle is getting relationships moving in the […]

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Perfect Imperfection

When I had turned into the publisher a final edit of my edited book, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. Weeding out the last inconsistencies was a huge project for a non-analytic like me! When the book arrived, I milked the satisfaction, thumbing through the pages as a once-and-for-all last perusing, when my eyes […]

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Soul Whisperer Released!

In late February, Wipf and Stock Publishers officially released the book. With this being my first, we have learned that both the publishing and marketing processes take time. Several weeks after the release, the Kindle edition was posted on Amazon, and then weeks after that—the paperback was made available with chapter previews. We also learned […]

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