SWM Report:
Looking Back and Forward

Looking back, 2019 was a tremendous year for our ministry. Let me just say, anything good that occurred came from God’s hand. Him, not me. I praise Jesus for his grace, and each of these open doors and answered prayers. Here are my top 5 highlights:
1. Filming the ReMission Video Series in North Carolina.
• Five top leader voices converged. God showed up!
• RightNow Media picked it up and promoted it: 1778 views the first two months. (We have a whole downloadable package with Leader’s Guide, Training Graphics, The Top 10 Mission Skills soon available on our website).
2. I became a Talbot Seminary Professor (Super cool!)
• One of the M.Div. students relayed to me that his wife said to him, “Your class is all I talk about now.”
• From the course’s evangelistic “field project,” two people came to Christ!
3. While speaking at a conference in Denver, I got the chance to fulfill a dream, meeting with famed former Willow Creek author, Mark Mittelberg. We exchanged books. What an honor to connect and further that friendship!
4. New Partnerships: In addition to churches, some ministry groups are using my book resources to train others: Sync with God has been a huge advocate, also Turnaround Pastors is taking 7-8 pastors through Soul Whisperer this year.
5. Exposure. I had speaking/training opportunities: Kansas, Florida, Nebraska, Denver, Arizona; concluded the 2018-19 radio book tour: New York City, Northern CA, Arkansas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio.
Looking forward, it is a privilege for us to serve the LORD wherever he calls, and yet, each of our assignments has inherent tensions and struggles. For me, I have come to the place of “crisis” where I recognize I can no longer function the same and achieve what God has put before me. Thus, my New Year’s theme is “Order.” By order, I mean my schedule must take on another level of sophistication: prioritization first, and then compartmentalizing my time far more than I have ever had to do in the past. Of course, typical for us all, the challenge is execution. We are working on creating lanes with boundaries. Advance scheduling. Everything in our ministry is being packaged to improve accessibility for churches and kingdom leaders.
For my prayer warrior friends: I now put 4 specific requests before you. Thank you for interceding!
1). Finish the ReMission Book Training Package, and finally release the video series! (Jan-Feb).
2). Build Soul Whisperer Ministry’s Team and National Platform.
• Speaking/training/resourcing opportunities.
• January’s Agenda: I’m at ShoreLife Church, Huntington Beach, for two weeks of sermons/training; zoom sessions with Turnaround Pastors; Journey U vision coaching, Podcasting with Press and Reach.
3). Writing projects: 2 new books in the works; finding “submission homes” for a number of articles.
4). Teaching at Talbot, and we hope to add another school this year.
May the LORD bless you for his glory. Thank you for your prayers!