Equip Your Church to Live Out the Gospel

Innovative training and resources for pastors and church leaders to bridge the gap between mission inspiration and missional action.

To partner with mission-driven churches and networks, empowering their members to maximize their impact for the gospel.

With the right relational approach and practical skills, your congregation can:  
  • Recognize the needs and stories of those far from Christ, and meet them where they are.  
  • Grow into confident, capable disciple-makers who lead others with purpose.  
  • Transform your entire ministry into a movement of gospel-centered action.

Former Outreach Lead at Sandals Church | Author on Gospel Influence & Missional Leadership | Professor at Talbot Seminary

My Calling:

If you're reading this, chances are you're one of the key voices in your church or network. You’re either a high-level Christian leader or an influential mission-minded member—someone with a burning desire to make your life count for God's kingdom. Welcome. This space is made for you.

My heart is drawn to those who are committed to reaching others with the life-changing message of the gospel. Whether you're a church pastor, staff member, campus minister, professor, student, missionary, church planter, justice advocate, writer, artist, or visionary—I am passionate about partnering with people like you. Together, we can elevate the mission effectiveness of your congregation and network.

I recognize the vital role you play in advancing Christ’s mission, and I deeply honor the legacy of accomplishment many of you already have in service to God. But there’s a moment in every leader’s journey where we must pause and reevaluate how we are advancing that mission, especially in our current cultural climate.

A Heart for kimgdom impact

In my work, I’ve identified four critical pillars for reshaping church culture for greater missional impact. Additionally, there are 10 key influence skills that every believer should develop to make a real difference in today’s world. These tools are essential for the discipleship of your people—but how often are they being taught or integrated into church life? The truth is, in most churches, these concepts don’t even make it onto the radar.

That’s where we come in. My team and I exist to help you and your ministry pivot toward greater missional effectiveness. We want to help your church move beyond traditional methods and embrace innovative, practical, and relational approaches to gospel impact.

The Path Forward:
Missional Trans-formation

Every step of my life and ministry has been aligned to this one purpose—to equip church leaders to empower their people for greater mission. From the challenges and lessons learned through personal failures, to my extensive academic research, to my experience serving at a postmodern mega-congregation, coaching church planters, and training leaders internationally—everything has been leading me to this moment.

I am fully committed to helping you and your church take bold steps toward a greater vision for gospel impact. Let's work together to transform your ministry into a movement, one that touches every corner with the power of the gospel.

Let's Partner for the Gospel’s Sake

Are you ready to embrace a new season of mission-driven transformation?

Let's make it happen.