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Bridging the Post-Christian Chasm

Bridging the Post-Christian Chasm

In a new faith-ventured role with a youth outreach ministry called Tree House (based in Minnesota), a friend emailed me describing a multiplicity of burdens the youth are carrying and shared details of one troubled scenario, “There is one teen in particular who has come over a couple of times trying to challenge me with […]

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Open post

Catch His Wind – 3 Lesson on God’s Leading Part 1

When your plans fail, God’s wind will blow! For me, the new chart began with going back to school. Of course we had a little problem: no job or money to pay for it. Would mom and dad float a loan? It was a bad idea. But before I could retract to sidestep the financial abyss, my parents called to say they wanted to pick up the costs, all of them. No arm-twist needed. Just wind. Off to class I went.

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Your Highest Call: How God Births His Vision

What is that unique work that God wants to do through you? As we look at the Scriptures in relation to our world, one thing is always consistent: God sees injustice. It reflects who he is as the One and only Righteous Ruler. Looking down from heaven and throughout the earth, God picks servants to […]

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