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Bridging the Post-Christian Chasm

Bridging the Post-Christian Chasm

In a new faith-ventured role with a youth outreach ministry called Tree House (based in Minnesota), a friend emailed me describing a multiplicity of burdens the youth are carrying and shared details of one troubled scenario, “There is one teen in particular who has come over a couple of times trying to challenge me with […]

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Faith-Sharing: How Do We Understand the Role of the Spirit?

While posting the Soul Whisperer YouTube series, one routine comment that we have gotten prompted this blog. At times, Christians on Facebook will see our appeal for mission training and reply: “We just need to follow the Spirit.” Let me be quick to affirm that following the Spirit’s lead is a biblical concept and applies to all conversations, and it appears to […]

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How Evangelism Got Lost

I know the title puts the skids on for some. What? Evangelism lost? That didn’t happen. You are right in the sense that God continues to reach people, and he continues to use his church, unquestionably. But what I am insinuating did happen. A shift took place that relegated evangelism from prominence. I believe such […]

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Gain Heart for God’s Call

Living in Southern California, we have famous theme parks in driving distance. The last time we were at Knott’s Berry Farm, my wife and two boys had gone on most of the big rides except one. Late in the night, we stood sizing the Xcelerator ride, and from sheer intimidation, we passed. Leaving the park, […]

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Who We Need to Become

One of the things I take pride in—is my attempt to take the evangelism conversation to a much deeper place. I have often said that Soul Whisperer is in actuality a book on discipleship. By interpreting Christ’s mission skills, it addresses “who” we need to become as influencers. For the relevance, see if you can […]

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Got Gospel Clarity?

Earlier this year, I went to a two-day training session for church leaders, and when the evangelism subject surfaced, they asked each table to discuss the process they used to reach unbelievers. Of course, I love these conversations! But I bit my tongue, and tried to listen to what others were doing and thinking. As […]

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What Hollywood Can Teach the Church

He seems to be saying some of the same things that you are. The email, which came to me from my wife, referred to a speaker who had visited my son’s school. Not the typical gig at a Christian college, Ralph Winter, is a Hollywood producer with notable credits including the X-men films. Many things […]

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The Parable of the Point

The Bible teacher charges his people to take the gospel to the world. Metaphorically speaking, each person gathered gets handed a spear. The spear is the only weapon they have at their personal disposal to use for the gospel. Yet something’s wrong. The spear has no point. The shaft is plenty balanced and strong, yet […]

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