The “Useless” Feeling – Part 1

Why do Christians feel useless? Two very interesting ideas pop immediately into my head. First, many believers have never experienced mission success. One day while training a small group on evangelistic engagement, I asked the members what would help them grow in faith-sharing confidence. One guy replied, “Actually reaching someone.” His honesty was poignant and spot on. It offered a picture of the whole church, where too few can point to anyone they have reached with the gospel. The Bible promises the adventure of mission to all, but bereft of better, finely dialed “influence training”—we see little fruit. Like a revolving circle, the uselessness feeling is reinforced.

This is why today’s church must shift from the dominant teaching paradigm into an engagement-oriented form of discipleship. When we do so, we can turn the tide on uselessness. By acquiring more effective skills, Christians can experience the excitement of mission. Instead of uselessness, they can know that God’s movement actually flows through them!

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