I am driving down Murrieta Hot Springs road, leaving a Church Planters forum, where I just heard a man talk about how God leads our lives. I am deep in thought over the three signs he spoke of: (1) Where has God dragged you kicking and screaming, (2) Desire, and (3), a Revelation.
I am talking to myself, like I always do, about how I have experienced all three in this crazy bizarre chapter of my life. Going through successive intersections, I then realize that I had just passed through four consecutive yellow lights! What are the odds of that happening? I thought—this is tweet material! When I approached the next green light it too turns yellow. Five! The next light is still green going into the intersection … and then yellow. Six! The next light is green … and then yellow. Seven! What a trippy moment. Seven yellows. I am not a numerology Bible person. In fact, I think those people are weird. But is not seven the number for God?
No. I don’t make much of this occurrence. Though it was cool. If anything, it just reinforced the message I had just heard. It was like God was saying, “I’m here!”
By the way, I met that night with a couple, which have suddenly felt led to relocate to Israel as missionaries. Amazing stuff! She described this deep change of heart that came over her. She would just come home and cry. I shared the three leadings, and the woman said, “I have experienced all three.”
What about you? Have you experienced the Lord draw you into his will?
I have recently experienced the Lord’s will (not so much the kicking and screaming but the mending fences version) with the re-connection I have made with my sister after 20 years. We will be meeting for breakfast this coming Sunday, November 20. When I realized that this was in fact the Lord’s will I was overcome with joy and peace. Thank you Gary for the great and awesome Basic Training course!