Reflected in the hub design, the four-book Missional Engagement Series is not one-dimensional or linear, but rather, a holistic layout. Two concepts are critical. First, mission is taught in every stage. Never considered optional or ancillary, being a disciple is about being “on mission” for Jesus.
Second, the design develops key discipleship values progressively as stages in the believer’s journey. In this way, it recognizes how Christian maturation actually occurs, needing reinforcement and refinement over time.
Threaded themes drive the curriculum in a compelling way:
Stage Theme Description
IN Invite Steps to Faith invites not-yet-believers to explore.
ON Involve First Steps involves newer believers in faith practices.
UP Improve Elevate raises growth levels in all six key values.
OUT Inspire Launch Point inspires for what God wills to do!
These materials create habits and experiences to shape Christ-likened character and skills. Each course can work independently, yet they fit within a grand design for synergistic impact. Check out the book covers and descriptions on Amazon (Steps to Faith, First Steps Discipleship Training, Launch Point) or my website: