When was the last time you heard someone describe another as “Christ-like?” I have wondered if we use the term far too loosely. My issue is this. It is entirely possible in the modern church to teach the idea of Christ-likeness devoid of mission. This shouldn’t be! Can you be Christ-like without possessing his most abiding passion? It’s the equivalent of describing ourselves like someone else, but being completely different in heart. Would we say someone is Kobe Bryant-like if they never played basketball? Is this not what is happening in today’s church? We have too many believers claiming his brand, but missing his soul. Maybe we should stop using the term.
When will Pastor-teachers recapture the holistic nature of Christology? The most spiritual person who ever walked this planet was also the most missional. You can’t teach one without the other. He looked nothing like the split dichotomy of spirituality and mission that currently exists in our churches. Let’s make a new confession. Who has the courage to admit, “I am unChrist-like?”
Gary, my wife and I were talking about this very issue just last night! We are both struggling to be a follower of Christ (although your Basic Training class has helped tremendously in knowing what it means to truly follow Christ) and our hearts ache for more time with Him. However it is like you said, we spend more time being unChrist-like than we should and I think that is where the true struggle is for all of us. The more effort we put forth into gaining His acceptance (of which we already have) the more time we waste being unChrist-like. Thank you for this insightful post, it has definitely opened our eyes (my wife and me).
Hi Joe and Michelle! Great to see you thinking deeply. Certainly, we all have quite a journey in taking on more of his heart. But learning to be more like him at the deep soul level is where the joy is discovered. To me, it must include a passion for furthering his mission in this world. You both are on the right course. So glad to have met you both in the BT class. Look forward to keeping in touch!