Mission Matters

Soul Whisperer Ministry | Mission Matters Blog by Gary Comer

Find Your Voice


Gary Comer

December 28, 2011

Did you watch the Oscar winning movie, The Kings Speech? This true-to-life script about King George the 6th exposed how harrowing a stuttering problem could be. The storyline builds as a tutor (played by Geoffrey Rush) digs into his psyche to unleash his voice. It is hard for us to imagine being royalty without the gutturals to back it up. Or is it?

From my view, a general speech impediment exists with people everywhere. I find myself asking, what needs to happen to unlock the voice box? Is a wacky mentor required? New techniques? Psychological analysis? I am sure it is different with every case. But one thing is commonly true—you need to figure this out. Your calling is at stake.

How many parents need to find their authentic voice for the sake of their kids? Research informs that little Johnny needs a strong parental voice.

I sat down and listened to a church planter lament over issues with his team. I am all for getting input, but at a certain point added, “You need to find your leadership voice.” He responded, “Know one has ever challenged me in that way before.” The following week after their church service concluded, his people inquired, “What got into you?” He told me recently, “This whole year has been about finding my voice to lead.” Not surprisingly, his personal growth is impacting his church!

I train hundreds of average Christians to be “influencers” for Jesus. The great majority struggle to know how to speak of spiritual things. I provide tools to do this in more natural ways. Yet I also know, they are going to have to flex those vocal muscles. They will have to step up into the stature of a spokesperson for the Christian life. Influence flows best through people’s unique personalities—when they are able to transfer their own thoughts into authentically spoken words.

I received an email from a very shy mom who came through our training. She relayed this account,

“Recently, at church I had an amazing experience with a young woman who sat next to me during service. During worship time she sat with her head down and when I looked at her I instantly heard the Lord tell me to tell her, that Jesus loves her and that everything she is going through will be okay. I was so afraid to tell her what was so obviously being played over and over in my head. I fought it at first or was hearing the enemy telling me to leave her alone, but obeyed Jesus and spoke up. It was such a step for me. She thanked me and asked if I really heard that. I told her “Yes, I knew it sounded crazy and I have never done that before.” She stood up with me the rest of worship looking more at peace.”

How about you? Is a voice inside yearning to get out? Maybe even screaming. God wants to make you an “influencer.” He wants to use you, with your thoughts, and your way of speaking. You must trust him and begin to flex those chords. Find your voice!

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