Mission Matters

An empty bus with rows of vacant seats, symbolizing the challenge of staying on mission during COVID-19 as communities adapt to new outreach methods.

Stay on Mission During COVID-19

Mission & Discipleship

Gary Comer

March 26, 2020

An empty bus with rows of vacant seats, symbolizing the challenge of staying on mission during COVID-19 as communities adapt to new outreach methods.

The Church’s Mission in Uncertain Times

Before the pandemic hit, Barna’s 2020 research revealed the top two concerns of pastors: reaching younger generations and declining outreach and evangelism. Then came COVID-19—a curveball that disrupted everything. Suddenly, the way we “do church” was flipped upside down. But one thing hasn’t changed: our mission.

So, how does the church stay on mission during COVID-19? What does it mean to live out the gospel in a time of social distancing, uncertainty, and digital gatherings? Is the online church now the real church? No one has all the answers, but here’s what we do know: God is in control. And in every crisis, there’s an opportunity—for growth, for impact, for revival.

Now is the time for the church to step up, rethink strategies, and engage communities in new ways. Let’s dive into three key principles to help pastors and leaders keep moving forward. Because the mission doesn’t stop—it adapts.

How COVID-19 Has Shifted Ministry Priorities

There is a wide spectrum of thought about the impact on the church, as wide as our politics. Ed Stetzer and Daniel Yang podcasted with Andy Crouch, the author of Culture Making, who said he believed we are truly entering a new era. Like the aftermath of WWI, there will be lasting residual effects. Though his conviction for physical worship gatherings was immovable, he also leaned toward smaller house worship-mission expressions taking a more predominant place in future Christendom.

Others will counter that once the outbreak’s peak subsides, we’ll get to the other side of this crisis and back to normalcy. My purpose here is to address the current scenario, regardless of church size, and answer what it means for pastors and their teams to keep reaching their communities in such a climate as this. Can we do it? Yes, we can!

A Call to Rethink and Rebuild Church Mission

Turnaround Pastors, a partnering ministry, recently emailed pastors about the unique opportunity of this pandemic shockwave, saying:

“This is a time to introduce mission-critical changes in your church.”

Silver lining? Think of that—God leading church leaders into a place of rethinking and re-strategizing. Nothing could be more impactful in the long term than for the church to refresh its vision and rebuild new mission muscles from its people. Yes, this is a golden opportunity for the church, a time when the whole culture is anxious and open to spiritual answers—where we can bring to light faith, hope, and love!

3 Principles to Keep the Church on Mission

1. Gospel Receptivity is Viable

The church’s mandate to reach the world is alive and well, and we will not cower. History tells us that the church has thrived in some of the most dire situations, including the major epidemics of the 1st-century Roman Empire.

We should be aware of the spiritual stirrings rising in unchurched minds and pay attention to the emerging needs in communities. Along with those holes are hearts looking for hope. This is a time for pastors and their leadership teams to advance, not pull back.

2. Personal Witness is Doable

Nothing has changed when it comes to the importance of personal witness. Unsaved people need Christians who care enough to connect with them. Whether through:

  • Safe in-person conversations
  • Small group interactions
  • Virtual tools like phone calls, FaceTime, Zoom, and Skype

Christians must be led to engage in evangelistic relationships.

I am personally in an evangelistic relationship, and we have continued to meet each week—but we’ve moved our conversations onto our phones. I’m also in regular Zoom groups where spiritual influence is cultivated with unbelievers.

Think about the leverage we have here—isolation is unhealthy for everyone. Non-believing people will welcome Christians reaching out to them!

3. Mission Clarification is Critical

Before the crisis, the church was not clear on how members could be effective disciple-makers. Now is the perfect time to work on that area of weakness.

The message of ReMission and Soul Whisperer is big on defining the skills needed to win hearts to Jesus today. We have a unique opportunity to retrain our members on mission engagement.

We teach 10 mission skills because without them, Christians miss or bypass gospel influence opportunities. These skills help believers interact with the gospel in natural and productive ways, just as Jesus did—meeting individual needs and storylines.

When we equip, we see fruit!

Practical Steps to Keep Your Church on Mission

Online services and frequent communication—creative, compassionate, and real—will help churches right now. So will meeting needs beyond digital connections.

Rodney Stark’s book, The Rise of Christianity, details how early Christians ministered during two major epidemics and how their courage and love won the day. It led scores of people in the Roman Empire into the Christian faith. That’s part of our founding story!

We can be safe with guidelines and smart strategy (“early social distancing”). But we cannot let fear, or anything else, thwart mission.

A Twitter friend shared an encounter with a woman in Oklahoma who came out of the grocery store crying. A man stated she was scared, and my friend described:

“We held hands and lifted her in prayer—didn’t even think of ‘social distancing.’”

Yes, be safe. Distance yourself, for now. Yes, wash your hands.

But in the coming weeks and months, let’s not miss the ministry openings blossoming before us. This is a time for the church to shine, for the gospel to be seen and heard.

Here are a few practical suggestions on how you can help that happen:

  • Expect rising economic needs—this is an opportunity to show tangible love to unsaved people.
  • Give safe guidelines for your members to connect with unbelieving neighbors beyond meeting physical needs.
  • Publicly celebrate those who are on mission!
  • Encourage prayer walks—praying for gospel openness in your neighborhood.
  • Include unchurched neighbors in need-meeting activities.
  • Use strategic messaging—title online services around perceived needs (hope, purpose, connection, family leadership).
  • Pastors, share the gospel onlineexpect a response! Grow the church!

Seizing the Opportunity for Gospel Growth

During the Revolutionary War, Thomas Paine famously wrote:

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”

They were also the times that drew out faith and commitment.

Let’s help our members see the moment—and seize it for God’s glory!

Prayers lifting for all!

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