Mission Matters

Soul Whisperer Ministry | Mission Matters Blog by Gary Comer

Money for Mexico


Gary Comer

December 14, 2011

Several months back my boys and I ventured south of the border for a home building trip with our Sandals church family. Being late in raising support, we had to cough up a few dimes to get down there. Reflecting back on what occurred, I cannot imagine a more worthy expense. Here’s why…

Upon arriving in Tijuana, team leader, Sarah, had us take a prayer walk through the surrounding neighborhood. When the group convened, I asked my youngest sophomore-aged-son what he thought. “Shocking” was his reply. A one word synopsis for “I will never look at my life the same again.” To me “shocking” makes my impact list. So did the recognition of rich culture so scarce in our affluent society: Contentment with little instead of little contentment … close knit “don’t always have to have my own space” community. Here’s a few more: Great digestion-disturbing food! Seeing God’s image in everyone. Sweet-holy-sweat drawn for someone else. The memory of having to carry a roof over a roof! Embraces with beautiful people we might never have met, served, loved and prayed over. A team experience not to be forgotten.

$600 extra mission faire = Priceless.

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