Mission Matters

Soul Whisperer Ministry | Mission Matters Blog by Gary Comer

Ode to Christopher


Gary Comer

November 30, 2011

An ode is a lyrical poem. Sometimes it takes something bad to birth those sentiments. A young man I had only briefly journeyed with impulsively took his life. He had attended church that very morning. Getting the word via text I replied, “I m crushed!” Pastor Andrew:  “Me 2.” I knew him from a new believers class. He was learning to practice his newfound faith. I recall his spiritual progress. On the last class session he shared of how he offered to lead his wife in prayer for the very first time! She looked at him and said, “What is happening with you?” Three hundred people showed up at his memorial.

Brother, friend
You belong to us
Your pain is our pain
We share it
Oh how we would love to be the balm
We miss you
We’ll see you again
In paradise
Brother, friend.

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